I cannot even remember why I ever created this blog, but I do remember the moment when I knew I had to use it. Disney buying up Lucasfilm and announcing new Star Wars film was an enormous deal, one that hasn't really been rivaled since. I kept on tweeting, but I found it too limiting for everything I felt and thought. It was then the idea of the blog came up, what I could use it for. Ever since I've sporadically used it to talk about films and television I've watched, select news from the industry, and a few lonely posts just about whatever I was thinking about that day around film. It's time for a change.

The reason this blog is in English despite me being Norwegian is that at the time the majority of my "online persona" was English centric. I tweeted in English, I made videos in English, why not write the blog in English? It's a bigger and wider audience than I could ever reach with limiting myself to Norwegian, right? That might have been true, when I lived in the UK, as I did under the creation of this blog. Films and TV is a step closer to America there, the place where most of what I write comes from. I have never lied about being quite American when it comes to film and TV, that's just the way things are in Norway, but in Norway we don't get the same stuff quite as quickly. This has lead to my posts being quite out of date and irrelevant large parts of the year, especially around awards season. Few of the films I've written so far this year were written about the same weekend (+/- 1) as it was released in the US. Most were released months prior in other territories. It's just not very fun or motivating for me to write about things that seemingly everyone else are completely over with, and this blog is mostly just for me to have fun with the small added bonus of learning something about non-fiction writing along the way. That is why I have decided to change the main language of this blog.
As you may see around you already the blog is now going from being a blog in English with the occasional Norwegian post, to being a blog in Norwegian with the occasional English post. This will do two things for me. Firstly, it will allow me to practise Norwegian non-fiction writing. Secondly, it will allow me to connect more closely with an audience who is at the same state as I am. I've always been a believer in tight focus groups, there's no need in casting a wide net just because you can. I don't think this will cause a spike in visitors to the blog, on the contrary, but I think it will at least give it the opportunity to be in the correct time zone and cultural awareness. So from now, this blog will be a Norwegian blog. Featuring an updated design, a new name, and even a domain to call its own. I will always be grateful for those of you who have visited over the years, and I hope you will not completely block me out yet. As I said, there will be the occasional post in English when the need calls for it. There will at least be one on "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and another on "Tremors 5" as the year goes on, and I'm sure there are more as well that will show themselves. Until then, I'm glad to have had you, and I hope to see you later.
Men deg, håpar eg på å sjå så snart som mogleg.
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