Saturday 6 September 2014

Into the Storm - Found-Footage Still Not Fun

"Found" footage films have been around for quite a while now, but the big ones are still rather rare and far between. There's never been a huge surge of the genre, it's been more about individual examples of the genre sparking some interest regardless of the filming style. But still, they won't go away, so we get "Into the Storm".

There's been some found footage films that I absolutely love, I have to say. The Norwegian "Trolljegeren" (Trollhunter) is one of my all-time favourite films period, "Project X" was a cut above the rest, and "Chronicle" managed to do the gimmick in a much better and visually pleasant way. "Into the Storm" is unfortunately just another film to add to the genre for no particular reason. It could've just as easily been made as a standard blockbuster action thriller, but they decided to throw a bunch of handheld cameras into the mixture.

"Into the Storm" has close to zero story and character development. It's to the point where I struggled to remember some more fine details just a few minutes after leaving the theatre. The only impression that I was left with was that of all the destruction and decent CGI. The characters are as wiped from my memory, I have to think hard to remember what the actual quest or point of the story was, and that's just not good enough.

If you are into films with a lot of destruction and some half-funny or half-touching moments then you'll probably make it through this one without too much ache, but be warned that the CGI is far from as impressive or thematic as what you get to see in the promotional imagery. It's not bad, but it's not great either. It gets the job done, and that's it.

Also, what's up with the "into X" trope that's been going on lately? "Star Trek Into Darkness", "Into the Dalek", "Into the Storm", "Into the Woods", "Into the White". It's not that great of a title template. It's really more of a slogan.

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