Wednesday 4 February 2015

Nightcrawler - Not *That* Nightcrawler

No, it's another X-Men film that you somehow missed. Trust me, I checked. This "Nightcrawler" stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Louis Bloom. A jack of all trades who takes a sudden interest in filming news stories for the highest bidder.

"Nightcrawler" has been talked about and praised for quite some time now, but it wasn't until last weekend that it finally made its way to little Norway. It more or less only made it here in the first place because of all of its nominations and wins during the on-going awards season. And I am so very glad that it did. This is by far the film that will define Jake Gyllenhaal's career for years to come. He has been known for quite some time as "that gay cowboy" from "Brockback Mountain", sometimes even as distantly as just Maggie Gyllenhaal's brother, this may still hold true for the more casual moviegoers, but it definitely won't for the more avid film buffs.

"Nightcrawler" follows Louis Bloom and his associate Rick while they crawl the nights of Los Angeles looking for the best news stories to sell to the news stations. Lou gains a sudden advantage in the field by really not holding back. He gets closer than anyone, and subsequently is the one whose clips are sold the most. Gyllenhaal offer some of the best acting of 2014 in this film, some of the best of the decade so far. Showing a range of emotion and being seen far too rarely these days. Clocking in at just under two hours I was fearing that it might feel too long, but Gyllenhaal's presence really keeps you in the moment. Always wondering what is going to happen next, what will he do now? The two hours just flew by, and it ended at more or less the perfect time. Not dragging it too long, and not cutting it too soon.

Overall this is just an amazing film, definitely one of the bests of recent years. I would even go so far as to say that this is a film that will be remembered. Maybe not the so much the plot and meaning of it, but the character Louis Bloom and Gyllenhaal's portrayal of him. It will be one the films that my generation will curse the generations after them for not watching because of how outdated it is (which I do think the plot will become in not too long). I'm just saying, those darn kids better get off my lawn.

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